I'm living in a new dorm this semester. Things weren't working out too well in the duplex I was living in last semester, so I decided to look for an opening elsewhere. It just so happened that two of my friends were spending this semester abroad, so their room was open for occupation. A freshman girl (the room is in the freshman dorm) also had her eye on the room. We met last year before the semester ended and decided our personalities and living styles were compatible enough for us to live together. Turns out we were very right. I am really enjoying living with her. I'm also enjoying being closer to the hub of the campus.
My piano student from last semester is continuing with lessons. It is really exciting to be teaching again; sometimes I feel like I'm just sitting around school, doing nothing to impact anyone's life. I have had two other families express interest in starting lessons, but so far nothing has come of it.
I'm also starting to get back into babysitting. My roommate and one of my suite mates regularly babysit for different families in a neighborhood nearby. Last Friday night, I filled in for Dori because she wasn't feeling well. While I was talking to the mom, she asked if she could put my name in the neighborhood babysitting list. Naturally, I said yes. What better way to make money than by playing with kids??? Yesterday morning, I babysat a 9 month old girl that Peter's sister-in-law usually babysits. She was such an easy child. She ate. She played. She slept. I fed her. I watched her play. I read a magazine. Dori and I are supposed to babysit 7 kids tomorrow night. I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun.
Peter and I haven't been able to see each other as often this semester because our schedules are total opposites. But we still have breakfast together most mornings and usually see each other some other time during the day. A couple of weekends ago, we went up to Michigan and snowmobiled for a while. It was a nice change from campus. And, I learned how to drive the snowmobile. We spent last weekend at Breagan's place for the Super Bowl. I really didn't watch much of the game. Instead, I made monster cookies and ate pizza. Oh yeah, and watched the commercials. There were several good ones this year.
When Peter and I were up in Michigan, we decided to play the face game. It's easy, free fun: you make as many faces in front of a camera as rapidly as possible. The results are always surprising and hilarious.
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