Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Peter and I decided to surprise his mom by driving out to Ohio Monday night for the elementary school Christmas program she was directing. My roommate let us borrow her car, on the condition that it comes back in one piece. So, we pooled together our resources, threw our dirty laundry in the backseat, popped in a CD, and hit the road. We made it to the school about twenty minutes before the program began. Mrs. Metzger was definitely surprised to see us! She did a wonderful job coordinating and leading the program. About halfway through, I realized how much work it must take to prepare something like that. What a daunting task - not only all the rehearsing, but also preparing all the costumes and simultaneously directing/corralling five grades! Needless to say, I was amazed. After the program, I met a few of Peter's old teachers, the principal, and the guidance counselor. I also saw part of the school building itself, including the outside of the old in-school detention center :P On our way back to Peter's house, we drove through the park and looked at the Christmas light display. Rumor has it the display wasn't as good this year as in the past. But I still liked it just fine. We drove back to school this morning, just in time for me to find out that I didn't actually have the quiz I was told I would have.

Completely changing the topic ...

This semester has flown by! I can't believe that I'm in my last week already. All of my major projects have been turned in and I taught my last lesson and turned in my last paper today. Finals start this Thursday and go through next Wednesday (at least for me). I'm looking forward to next semester, although with five education classes, I know I will be writing lesson plans like you wouldn't believe. One major change for next year is my place of residence ... I decided about a month ago to see if it would be possible for me to move into a dorm on campus. There are perks about living somewhat off campus, but when it's cold and snowing, the misery of walking to class far outweighs any benefits that might exist. It turns out two of my friends are going overseas next semester, so their room will be vacant. I will be moving into it with another girl on campus who is a freshman. I'm very excited! We visited our future room tonight and decided on furniture layout. Things look promising.

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