I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions. I have tried a few times, but I usually break them within the first month. However, if I were to create some this year, blogging more regularly would make the list (my last post was in May!).
Tomorrow morning, I will partially step into the real world as I begin my fifteen week student teaching assignment. I will be teaching under second grade teacher Mrs. Miller at
Warren Primary Center in South Bend. The first week or so, I will be observing her as I get a feel for her teaching style, become familiar with the routines, and get to know the students. Although I'm not yet completely familiar with the school and classroom, I am excited based on what I have seen in my previous visits.
I will also be taking two college courses this semester: orchestra and world civilizations. I had to get that last gen. ed. out of the way!
In other news, on New Year's day, Peter officially launched
Envision Skate Collective at 1:11 p.m.! I am so excited to see how God is going to bless other people through this business. I know that already, through the whole process of creating the business, my faith has been strengthened as I've watched God provide in so many ways. Tonight, as Peter and I were praying together, God brought to my mind Luke 19:17.
‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’
I believe God is going to bless the little that Peter has been entrusted with and do something so big with it, that no one will be able to say it wasn't of God. I believe God is going to put Peter in charge of "ten cities" and I am so excited that I get to be part of it!
Peter and I also started working on our
wedding website last night! We haven't done too much with it yet, but hopefully in the next week or so we can make it look pretty and find a replacement for the default picture. We also set up a google voice phone number to use as a wedding RSVP number. We're going to be all trendy and not send out RSVP cards with our invitations.