Last night, the little boys were bugging me to do something with them outside. So first, I taught Ben how to rollerblade. He caught on very quickly and has been skating every available minute ever since. I got up at 9 this morning and he had already been outside to skate.
After Ben, Isaac, and I had been skating for a while, Aaron came outside. We decided we should probably do something that he could do with us. My first thought was a relay race, but then someone threw in the idea of a triathlon. Since we have all the components - running and biking space and water - I decided it might not be a bad idea. To make it more interesting, we decided to do a relay triathlon with two people on each team. The course began with running from the swimming pool deck around the yard, behind the barn, back to the swimming pool, swimming two laps in the pool, running to the bikes, riding from the cement to the walnut tree in the field via the trail, back to the cement to drop off the bike, then back onto the swimming pool deck to tag the next runner. Me and Isaac had to go first. With a time reduction for the bike chain coming off, we ended in 6 minutes, 48 seconds. Aaron and Ben beat us by two seconds (they had a time reduction for their bike chain falling off as well). Although it was very exhausting, it was a very fun activity for a Sunday afternoon. I'm sure variations of the race will follow.