I just finished my first musical engagement of the school year. The music department hosted an opera rewritten by Rob Rhein - Impresario by Mozart. It is a comedy featuring groups of actors/actresses auditioning for a theater manager, the impresario. Each group that auditions performs a scene from a play or musical. For the purpose of relating to Bethel's audience, Rob rewrote each of the audition scenes using excerpts from recent productions put on my Bethel's theater department. About half of the opera is spoken. The musical half was accompanied by piano, violin, cello, and flute; I played the second violin part. Although I really don't enjoy operas, this was an exception. The scenes were so hilarious that I couldn't help but enjoy myself.
Earlier tonight, before the opera, Peter and I went to his brother's house for a ND opening season party. During the first quarter, I pushed Peter's niece around in her 'boat,' went to the 'park' (i.e. the kitchen), crawled around like a 'teddy bear,' and played 'football.' We had a good time :P Peter took over for me during the second quarter so I could watch the game. I ended up having to leave during the fourth quarter in order to get back to Bethel in time for the opera. But the Irish still won, even without me there watching them. Go figure.
I ended the evening with the Dukes of Hazzard. Life doesn't get any better.